torsdag 17 december 2009

Baptism in water and fire!

I know, it's late. I am always like this when I'm about to travel, finding something out in the last minute, fixing stuff, just hanging around. In a couple of hours, I am on my way to Sweden and a nice christmas and new years celebration. I'm loning to see my mom, brother and Nela and all my friends =) But just want to tell you what happened today:

Me and Jifka baptised Angelina! It's the second time I meet her; Jifka prayed with her to salvation just one day after Angelinas daughter were healed, a couple of weeks ago. Today on our way to the hot springs, she told me that she has never entered a church, never opened a bible, and NEVER thought that she would become a "religious" as she called it. I love to baptise those kind of people!

The baptism was so liberating
for her. When we remained in the warm water after the baptism, speaking to her about the Holy Spririt, her eyes were wide open and she recieved every word we said. When the power of Jesus moved in with her, tears ran down her face, and many things holding her back in life just disapeared.
She didn't speak about it. But I felt it. There is no such thing as a newly saved starting to speak in tounges, awsome!

Now I'll cuddle down under my cover, on the sofa, in the livingroom, right in front of the fire. See you in Sweden my friends!

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