onsdag 2 december 2009

"And I will be the same as you!"

Went to drink coffe with Fidanka and Gjola from Draginovo today, I love those women! We talk, joke and laugh so much when we are together, they are as crazy as I am! Today we talked about God, faith and Jesus again. Suddenly Fidanka turns to me and says: "But you will give me a bible now, and I will be the same as you!".

Her whole family are muslims, she herself is a pomak, but all she has heard about Jesus just attracts her heart! Next time I'll give her a brand new bible with her name in it, and then just wait until the moment when I can take her hands in mine and pray for the first time to the living God. What a moment that will be!

I'm continuing to enjoy the preparations of christmas. A big swedish tradition is the "julkalendern". One episode of a child program is broadcasted every day of december until christmas eve. Me and the guys Zuniga (not Walter=) followes it with excitement.. This year we even have the calendar! (Tack Amanda!!)
Now I'll go down and prepair the pepper cookie dough (pepparkaksdeg =)

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